番茄豆腐汤是很多人喜爱的一道家常菜,它不仅味道鲜美,而且营养丰富。以下是制作美味番茄豆腐汤的方法和一些健康小贴士:,,### 制作方法:,1. **准备材料**:新鲜番茄、嫩豆腐、姜片、葱花、盐、鸡精(可选)、香油。,2. **处理材料**:将番茄洗净切块,豆腐切成厚片,姜切片备用。,3. **煮汤**:锅中加入适量水,放入姜片和葱段,大火烧开后转小火慢炖。,4. **加入食材**:待汤色变浓时,放入番茄和豆腐,继续炖至熟透。,5. **调味**:根据口味加入适量盐和鸡精,最后撒上葱花即可。,,### 健康小贴士:,- 选择低脂或无脂豆腐,减少脂肪摄入。,- 豆腐含有丰富的植物蛋白,适合素食者。,- 番茄富含维生素C和钾,有助于增强免疫力和心脏健康。,,这款番茄豆腐汤既简单又美味,是家庭聚餐的好选择,同时也能为您的餐桌增添一份色彩与营养。
1/3 Tomatoes washed and cut into pieces
2/3 Firm tofu removed from plastic packaging, cut off the bottom corners of the box with a knife, then chop the tofu into blocks
3/3 In a pan, heat oil until hot, add tomatoes to stir-fry, season with salt, add water and bring to a boil. Then pour in the tofu cubes, reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes. Add soy sauce and water slurry to thicken, sprinkle some white pepper powder on top, pour in sesame oil, and scatter some green onions over it.
This is one recipe that you can try! Do you have any other ideas or requests?