旅游常用英语口语主要包括问候、问路、预订住宿和景点参观等方面。“Hello/Hi! How may I assist you?”,“Where is the nearest hotel?”,“Can you help me book a room?”,“How do I get to the Great Wall?”等。这些基本用语可以让你在旅行中更加自如地与当地人交流。
1、询问路线: "Excuse me, where is the nearest subway station?"
2、询问是否可以拍照: "May I take a photo here?"
3、询问是否可以使用Wi-Fi: "Is there WiFi here?"
4、询问餐厅是否接受银联卡: "Do you accept UnionPay?"
5、询问是否可以打包带走食物: "Can I get a doggie bag?"
6、询问是否需要提前预订: "Do I need a reservation?"
7、询问餐厅是否接受刷卡支付: "Do you take credit cards?"
8、询问是否有菜单: "Do you have a menu in English?"
9、询问是否有素食选项: "Do you have any vegetarian dishes?"
10、询问是否有特殊菜品或特色菜品: "Do you have any special dishes?"
- 飞行途中可能需要的英语:
- 选择餐点时:
- Chicken please.
- All OK.
- 任何情况下,都可以用简单的一句话表示需求:
- Excuse me, Could I have a cup of orange juice, please?
- 对于寒冷感到不适时,可直接说:
- Could I get another blanket, please, I'm a little cold.
- 在飞机上填写入境表格时,如果没有笔,可以说:
- Could you lend me a pen to fill out this immigration form?
- 买票时一般不需要语言,只需通过售票机操作即可。
- Hello, Could I get one ticket to London, please?
- Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?
- I'll take a Big Mac and a small coke.
- The total comes to £5.
- Drinks typically come in different sizes:
- Small, Medium, Large, Super Size
- Where can I find xxx?
- Do you sell XX here?
- 询问试衣间的方位时:
- Where are your fitting rooms?
- 若需要更换尺码,请直接问:
- I think I need a smaller size.
- How much is it?
- 衣物常用词汇包括:
- gloves 手套, boots 靴子, socks 袜子, jeans 仔裤, jacket 夹克, skirt 短裙, hat 帽子, shoes 鞋, belt 皮带, shirt 衬衫, boxer 男士短裤